Monday, February 9, 2009

Farmer's Markets

Farmer's markets are among my favorite things. Local produce, giving money to growers, vegetables that are still warm from the sun and smell like soil -- all good. Plus you can find many more varieties of veggies than are ever available in the store.

Last weekend I went to one of the five local farmer's markets we have in Gainesville. This one is the largest, I think, and is out on 441 by the highway patrol station. I've been meaning to go for a few years, since I moved back to town from California (which has the BEST farmer's markets), but just hadn't gotten around to waking up early on Saturday morning and heading out there.

I've heard the 441 farmer's market can be very large and lively, but apparently in the winter it is somewhat smaller and subdued. There were still many, many varieties of greens and a few other vegetables for sale.

I bought some gorgeous kale (below), humongous green onions, spicy arugula, and mushrooms. Almost every item cost about a dollar!

The next day, I went to Micanopy to wander the antique shops. At that farm store I love, Mosswood Farms, there was a small farmer's market happening. I think it's new. Here's something I learned: Brussels sprouts grow on trees! No, not really, but that's what it looked like. I really had never seen a Brussels sprout plant before. That was pretty cool.

I take the worst digital pictures.


Kim Taylor Kruse said...

The nice thing about getting Brussels sprouts on the stalk is that you can cut them off as you need them and then they never have that icky brown scab on the end of each sprout.

sarah said...

Do you know that I have only cooked Brussels sprouts once? I didn't like them until recently.